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 トップ > 雑貨 > アドベント・カレンダー > Find the Right Door with Me(No.A2480)[特大サイズ]

Find the Right Door with Me(No.A2480)[特大サイズ]

Find  the Right Door with Me No.A2480 特大サイズ アドベント・カレンダー 雑貨
直径 約42.5cm
Younger children usually do not always relate to numbers,and the abstract figures on the doors of most advent calenders do not mean much at first. These numbers also disturb the beautiful mood of the picture. But without them how can the correct order of the pictures be found, especially if we adults are not present to help?
This new kind of calendar solves this problem in both a simple and a creative way: In whatever order you open a window in the lower section with a candle on it, you will discover a picture motif in the top section behind which the 'actual' theme of the day is hiding. All you have to do, then, is to look for this picture and open the 'upper' window-without the bother of figures or dates. The really large door is, of course, not opened until Christmas Eve or the morning of Christmas Day.
So looking for the picture is fun, and finding it is fun, too - and you cannot go wrong!
日付が書いていないだけじゃなく、このアドベントカレンダーは特別です。開く窓がかなり多めです。小さいロウソク模様の窓が23個あります。とっても大きい窓がありますから、これをイブの日に...24日目に開けたらうれしいです。そのほかの窓がいくつあるかは 実物でお確かめください。

Find  the Right Door with Me(No.A2480)[特大サイズ] アドベント・カレンダー 雑貨
Find the Right Door with Me(No.A2480)[特大サイズ]

 トップ > 雑貨 > アドベント・カレンダー > Find the Right Door with Me(No.A2480)[特大サイズ]
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